Manuel and Saddam, Benito and Adolf
We often hear today about the Anglo-American empire waging war on tyrants that it had earlier put in power or otherwise sponsored. Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein, and the Taliban of bin Laden are prominent examples. In his book, A Century Of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order (revised edition, Pluto Press, 2004), F William Engdahl says we also should include Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler in the list of tyrants who rose under the sporsorship of the Anglo-American empire and later fell (along with millions of innocent bystanders) to its military.
The following is from the section entitled "Deterding, Montagu Norman, and Schacht's Hitler Project from Chapter Six of that book. Engdahl's notes are identified by <>. I have inserted supplementary information from earlier parts of the book in curly brackets, {}, just before the last paragraph below.
Bill Totten
The unstable international monetary order imposed after Versailles by London and New York bankers on a defeated central Europe came to an abrupt, if predictable, end in 1929. Montagu Norman, then the world's most influential central banker as governor of the Bank of England, precipitated the crash of the Wall Street stock market in October 1929. Norman had asked the governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, George Harrison, to raise US interest rate levels. Harrison complied, and the most dramatic financial and economic collapse in US history ensued in the following months.
By early 1931, Montagu Norman and a small circle in the British establishment had plans to shift the political dynamic in central Europe in a most astonishing manner. At the time, Austria's largest banking institution was the Creditanstalt of Vienna. Closely tied to the Austrian branch of the house of Rothschild, the Creditanstalt had grown during the 1920s through an unhealthy process of merging smaller troubled banks. The largest such merger was forced onto Creditanstalt during the month of the October 1929 stock market crash, when it was asked by the authorities to take over the Vienna Bodenkreditanstalt, a real estate lender which itself had swallowed several other unhealthy banks in the previous years.
At the beginning of 1931, Creditanstalt appeared to the world to be one of the mightiest of world banks. In reality, it was one of the sickest. The draconian Versailles conditions imposed by Britain, France and the United States had dismantled the Austro-Hungarian Empire, isolating Austria's economy from the valuable economic ties and raw materials of Hungary and the lands of eastern Europe. Austria's industrial economy had never recovered from the devastation of the First World War. Industry had run-down plants, outmoded equipment and huge unredeemable war loans. The political circumstances in Austria in the 1920s had led major parts of insolvent Austrian industry to pass into the hands of the ever-larger Creditanstalt.
Thus, by early 1931, Austria in general, and the Vienna Creditanstalt in particular, were the weak links of an international credit chain which had been built under the unhealthy foundation set by the New York banking firm of J P Morgan, in concert with the Bank of England and the London banks. Creditanstalt was unable to generate sufficient capital for its activities from the depressed Austrian economy and had become largely dependent on very short-term borrowings from London and New York to finance its activities. The Bank of England itself was actually a significant lender to Creditanstalt.
In March 1931, the French government and French Foreign Minister Briand declared themselves in determined opposition to announced negotiations between Berlin and Vienna for the forming of an Austro-German trade and customs union, a belated attempt to counter a growing world economic depression that had begun in America some months earlier. France reportedly ordered its banks to cut short-term credit lines to Creditanstalt, in a bid to bring pressure to bear on the Austrian government. What ensued that May, as rumors of a run on the deposits of Creditanstalt broke in the Vienna press, was a credit crisis which shook all of Europe. The Austrian National Bank, and ultimately the Austrian state, were forced to come to the rescue of the Creditanstalt, in what became the largest bank failure in history. Subsequent examination revealed that the crisis need never have reached such dramatic dimensions. It was intended to do so by certain powerful London and New York financiers who were preparing a dramatic shift in European geopolitics. <12> By the end of the 1920s, influential circles in Britain and the United States had decided to back a radical course for Germany.
J P Morgan bankers had already proved to themselves the usefulness of radical top-down political solutions to ensure repayment of bank loans, when they gave foreign credit to the fascist regime of Italian strongman Benito Mussolini. In November 1925, Italian Finance Minister Volpi di Misurata announced that the Mussolini government had reached an agreement on repaying the Versailles war debts of Italy to Britain and the United States. One week later, J P Morgan & Company, financial agents of the Mussolini government in the United
States, announced a crucial $100 million loan to Italy to 'stabilize the lira'.
In reality, Morgan had decided to stabilize Mussolini's fascist regime. On the urging of J P Morgan & Company and Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England, Volpi di Misurata established in 1926 a single Italian central bank, the Bank of Italy, to control national monetary policy and further ensure repayment of foreign debts. Mussolini had shown himself to be the ideal strongman to discipline Italian labor unions, drive down wages and enforce sufficient austerity to guarantee foreign bank lending, or so thought Morgan's people in New York.
The man who controlled US monetary policy at the time, former Morgan banker Benjamin Strong, an intimate personal friend and collaborator of Britain's Montagu Norman, met with Volpi and the Bank of Italy governor, Bonaldo Stringher, to confirm the final details of the Italian 'stabilization' program. From Poland to Romania during the 1920s, the same combination of powerful persons - J P Morgan & Company, Montagu Norman and the New York Federal Reserve - organized effective economic control over most countries of Continental Europe, under the pretext of the establishment of 'creditworthy' national policies - an informal precursor of the role of the International Monetary Fund in the 1980s. The New York banks were the source of the significant short-term capital for this lending, and the Bank of England, together with the British Foreign Office establishment, provided the political experience to impose the policy. <13>
The most concentrated efforts of this Anglo-Saxon circle were focused on Germany during the 1920s. Following the successful imposition of Hjalmar Schacht as president of the Reichsbank in 1923, and Schacht's implementation of the draconian Dawes Plan of war reparations repayment, drafted by Morgan & Company, the German economy during the 1920s became dependent on short-term loans from London and New York banks and their collaborators in Paris. For the banks, these German short-term credits were the most lucrative in the entire world financial markets of the day. For many of Germany's banks, including the fourth-largest, Darmstadter und Nationalbank Kommandit-Gesellschaft (Danat), dependence on short-term New York and London capital borrowings had become substantial, and at punitively high interest rates. The Weimar hyperinflation had largely destroyed the capital and reserves of major German banks during the early part of the decade. Thus the expansion of German bank lending during the late 1920s was by banks with a precariously small capital base in the event of loan default or other crises. Germany stood unique among major European industrial countries by the time of the 1929-30 New York stock market collapse. She owed international bank creditors an estimated sixteen billion Reichsmarks in such short-term debts.
This unsound banking structure required only a small push to topple it in its entirety. The push came from the New York Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, which, in a series of moves in 1929, raised their interest rates following more than two years of unprecedented stock market speculation as they pursued ever lower interest rates. The predictable crash in the New York stock market and the London market led to a massive withdrawal of US and British banking funds from Germany and Austria. By May 13 1931, the fuse was ready for the torch.
On that day, the large Vienna Creditanstalt collapsed. The French had decided to 'punish' Austria for entering into customs union talks with Germany by imposing currency sanctions. Creditanstalt was a Rothschild bank with heavy ties to French banking. As French funds were recalled from Austria, this toppled the fragile Creditanstalt the largest Austrian bank, which had large interests in some seventy per cent of Austria's industry. To attempt to stop the run on the Creditanstalt, Austrian banks called in all funds they had in German banks. Creditanstalt was the weak link which started the domino collapse of banking throughout central Europe.
The ensuing banking crisis, economic depression and the related tragic developments in Austria and Germany were dictated virtually to the letter by Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, the governor of the New York Federal Reserve, George Harrison, and the house of Morgan and friends in Wall Street. A decision had been made to cut all credits to Germany, though even a minimal roll-over of nominally small sums would probably have stopped the crisis from erupting out of control at this early stage.
Instead, capital began to flow out of Germany in ever greater amounts. On the demand of Montagu Norman and George Harrison a new Reichsbank President, Hans Luther, dutifully abstained from doing anything to stop the collapse of the large German banks. The immediate consequence of the Creditanstalt collapse in Vienna was the related failure of the Danat-Bank of Germany. The Danat-Bank, heavily dependent on foreign credits, lost almost 100 million Reichsmarks of deposits that May. The next month, Danat lost 848 million Reichsmarks, or forty per cent of all the deposits it held while Dresdner Bank lost ten per cent and even Deutsche Bank lost eight per cent of its deposits. By late June, Bankers Trust, a Morgan bank, cut the credit line to Deutsche Bank.
Harrison demanded that Reichsbank head Hans Luther impose rigorous credit austerity and tightening in the German capital markets claiming that this was the only way to stop the flight of foreign capital. What it ensured was the overall collapse of the German banking system and industry into the worst depression imaginable.
Montagu Norman backed Harrison, and the governor of the Bank of France joined them in blaming Germany for the crisis. Desperate last-minute efforts by the Bruning government to persuade Luther to seek an emergency stabilization credit from other central banks to contain the national banking crisis were, as a result, refused by Luther. When he finally capitulated and asked Montagu Norman for help, Norman slammed the door in his face. Germany as a consequence no longer effectively had any lender of last resort.
By July 1931, some two months after the collapse of the Vienna Creditanstalt had initiated the flight of capital out of Germany, the Basle Nationalzeitung reported that the Danat-Bank was 'in difficulties', which was sufficient in the electric climate to trigger a full panic run on that bank. The bank's chairman, Goldschmidt, later charged that the Reichsbank had selectively precipitated his bank's failure with discriminatory credit rationing. The ensuing banking crisis and collapse of industry created in Germany in the winter of 1931-32 what was said to be 'the hardest winter in one hundred years'. It was the breeding ground for radical political alternatives.
In March 1930, some months before the credit cutoff against Germany was imposed by the Anglo-American bankers, Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schacht surprised the government by handing in his resignation. The actual issue he resigned over was the offer of an emergency stabilization credit of 500 million Reichsmarks, which the Berlin government had been offered by the Swedish industrialist and financier, Ivar Kreuger, the famous Swedish 'match
king'. Kreuger and his American bankers, Lee Higginson & Company, were major lenders to Germany and other countries that had been cut off by the London and New York banks. But Kreuger's loan offer of early 1930 had explosive and unacceptable political consequences for the long-term strategy of Montagu Norman's friends. German Finance Minister Rudolf Hilferding urged Schacht, who, under the terms of the Dawes reparations plan, had to approve all foreign loans, to accept the Kreuger loan. Schacht refused and on March 6 handed Reichspresident von Hindenburg his resignation. Schacht had other duties to tend to.
Kreuger himself was found dead some months later, in early 1932 in his Paris hotel room. Official autopsy registered the death as suicide, but detailed inquiry by Swedish researchers decades later made a conclusive case that Kreuger had been murdered. The persons who stood to gain most from Kreuger's death were in London and New York, though the actual details will likely remain buried along with Kreuger. With Kreuger's death ended also Germany's hope for relief. She was totally cut off from international credit. <14>
For his part, Schacht was anything but idle after his resignation from the Reichsbank. He devoted his full energies to organizing financial support for the man he and his close friend, Bank of England governor Norman, agreed was the man for Germany's crisis.
Since 1926 Schacht had secretly been a backer of the radical National Socialist German workers' Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party of Adolf Hitler. After resigning his Reichsbank post, Schacht acted as a key liaison between powerful, but skeptical, German industrial leaders, the so-called 'Schlotbarone' of the Ruhr, and foreign financial leaders, especially Britain's Lord Norman.
British policy at this juncture was to create the 'Hitler Project', knowing fully what its ultimate geopolitical and military direction would be. As Colonel David Stirling, the founder of Britain's elite Special Air Services, related in a private discussion almost half a century later, 'The greatest mistake we British did was to think we could play the German Empire against the Russian Empire, and have them bleed one another to death'.
The British support for the Hitler option reached to the very highest levels. It included Britain's prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, the man infamous for the 1938 Munich appeasement which set Hitler's armies marching to Sudetenland in the east. Philip Kerr (later Lord Lothian), of the Cecil Rhodes Round Table group which we met earlier, was a close adviser to Neville Chamberlain. Lothian backed the Hitler project as part of the infamous Cliveden set in British circles, as did Lord Beaverbrook, the most influential British press magnate of the day, who controlled the mass-circulation Daily Express and Evening Standard. But perhaps the most influential backer of Hitler's movement at this time in Britain was the Prince of Wales, who became Edward VIII in early 1936, until his abdication at the end of the same year.
Certain influential American establishment figures were hardly ignorant of what the Hitler movement was about. Leading Wall Street and US State Department circles had been informed from an early stage. Even before the ill-fated 1923 Munich 'beer hall putsch', a US State Department official stationed in Munich as part of the Versailles occupation of Germany, Robert Murphy, later a central figure in the postwar Bilderberg group, personally met the young Hitler through General Erich Ludendorff. Murphy, who had served under Allen Dulles in Berne during the First World War, gathering intelligence on the German Reich, was in Munich with another influential US government official, Truman Smith, assigned to US Army intelligence occupying Germany.
In his memoirs, Smith later recalled his arrival in Munich in late 1922:
I talked at length about National Socialism with the Munich Consul, Mr Robert Murphy (later a very distinguished American Ambassador), General Erich Ludendorff, Crown Prince Rupert of Bavaria and Alfred Rosenberg. The latter later became the political philosopher of the Nazi party. On this visit I also saw much of Ernst F S ('Putzi') Hanfstaengl, of the well-known Munich art family. 'Putzi' was a Harvard graduate and later became Hitler's foreign press chief ... My interview with Hitler lasted some hours. The diary I kept in Munich indicates I was deeply impressed by his personality and thought it likely that he would play an important part in German politics.
In his November 1922 report to his superiors in Washington, Smith filed the following recommendation regarding his evaluation of the tiny Hitler group. Speaking of Hitler, Smith said:
His basic aim is the overthrow of Marxism ... and the winning of labor to the nationalist ideals of state and property ... The clash of party interests has ... demonstrated the impossibility of Germany's rescue from her present difficulties through democracy. His movement aims at the establishment of a national dictatorship through non-parliamentary means. Once achieved, he demands that the reparations demands be reduced to a possible figure, but that done, the sum agreed on to be paid to the last Pfennig, as a matter of national honor. To accomplish this the dictator must introduce universal reparations service and enforce it with the whole force of the state. His power during the period of fulfillment cannot be hampered by any legislature or popular assembly ...
To ensure that his colleagues in Washington's Division of Military intelligence got the point, Smith added his personal evaluation of Hitler: 'In private conversation he disclosed himself as a forceful and logical speaker, which, when tempered with a fanatical earnestness, makes a very deep impression on a neutral listener'. <15>
In late autumn of 1931, a man arrived at London's Liverpool Street railway station from Germany. His name was Alfred Rosenberg. Rosenberg met with the editor in chief of the influential London Times, Geoffrey Dawson. The Times gave Hitler's movement invaluable positive international publicity in the coming months. But the most important meeting Rosenberg had during this first England visit in 1931 was with Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England, and arguably the most influential figure of the day in world finance. Norman had three hatreds, according to his trusted personal secretary - the French, the Catholics and the Jews. Norman and Rosenberg found no difficulty in their talks together. The introduction to Norman had come through Hjalmar Schacht. From their first meeting in 1924, Schacht and Norman developed a friendship which lasted until Norman's death in 1945.
Rosenberg concluded his fateful London visit with a meeting with a leading person of the London Schroeder Bank, which was affiliated with J H Schroeder Bank in New York and with the Cologne-based private bank, J H Stein of Baron Kurt von Schroeder. The man whom Rosenberg met from Schroeder Bank in London was F C Tiarks, who was also a member of the Bank of England directorate and a close friend of Montagu Norman.
As Baron von Schroeder and Hjalmar Schacht went to leading German industrial and financial figures to secure support for the NSDAP after 1931, the first question of nervous and skeptical industrialists was, 'How does international finance, and especially Montagu Norman, regard the prospect of a German government under Hitler?' Was Norman prepared to come in with financial credit for Germany in such an event? The reality is that at this critical juncture, when Hitler's NSDAP had little more than six million votes in the 1930 elections, the international backing of Montagu Norman, Tiarks and friends in London was decisive.
On January 4 1932, at the Cologne villa of Baron Kurt von Schroeder, Adolf Hitler, von Papen and the Cologne banker, von Schroeder, secretly arranged financing of Hitler's NSDAP, at that time de facto bankrupt with huge debts, until the planned seizure of power by Hitler. Another meeting between Hitler and Franz von Papen took place on January 4, 1933, at von Schroeder's Cologne villa, at which the plan was finalized to topple the weak government of Schleicher and build a right-wing coalition. On January 30 1933, Adolf Hitler became chancellor of the Reich.
The final London visit of Alfred Rosenberg was in May 1933, this time as one of the inner figures in the new Hitler government. He went directly to the country home in Buckhurst Park in Ascot of Sir Henri Deterding, the head of Royal Dutch Shell and arguably the world's most influential businessman. According to English press accounts, the two had a warm and eventful discussion. Rosenberg had first met Deterding during his 1931 London trip. Royal Dutch Shell had intimate contact with, and provided support for the German NSDAP. Though the details were kept secret, reliable British reports of the day were that Deterding had provided substantial financial support to the Hitler project in its critical early phases.
{Engdahl says on pages 58 and 62 of the book that Royal Dutch Shell was covertly owned by the British Government, and says on page 59 that Deterding served as a trusted agent of British secret intelligence.}
While Norman and the Bank of England had adamantly refused to advance a pfennig of credit to Germany at the critical period in 1931 (thus precipitating the banking and unemployment crisis which made desperate alternatives such as Hitler even thinkable to leading circles in Germany), as soon as Hitler had consolidated power, in early 1933, the same Montagu Norman moved with indecent haste to reward the Hitler government with vital Bank of England credit. Norman made a special visit to Berlin in May 1934 to arrange further secret financial stabilization for the new regime. Hitler had responded by making Norman's dear friend Schacht his minister of economics as well as president of the Reichsbank. The latter post Schacht held until 1939. <16>
12. Dieter Stiefel. Finanzdiplomatie und Weltwirtschaftskrise: Die Krise der Creditanstalt fur Handel und Gewerbe, 1931. Frankfurt a.M.: Fritz Knapp Verlag, 1989.
13. Richard H Meyer. Bankers' Diplomacy: Monetary Stabilization in the 1920's. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.
14. Lars-Jonas Angstrom. 'Ivar Kreuger blev mordad!' Svenska Marknaden. August 1987. Stockholm.
15. Truman Smith. Berlin Alert: The Memoirs and Reports of Truman Smith. Stanford California: Hoover Institution Press, 1984.
16. Among the more useful references for this little-discussed topic are J and S Pool. 'Hitlers Wegbereiter zur Macht: Die geheimen deutschen und internationalen Geldquellen, die Hitlers Aufsteig zur Macht ermoglichten'. Munchen: Scherz Verlag, 1979; Heinz, Pentrzlin. 'Hjalmar Schacht'. Berlin: Verlag Ullstein GmbH, 1980; Also useful is Harold James. The German Slump: Politics and Economics 1924-1936. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
Also see "Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 - Federal Documents" by John Buchanan and Stacey Michael, The New Hampshire Gazette, Volume 248 Number 3 (November 07 2003)
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Bill Totten
The following is from the section entitled "Deterding, Montagu Norman, and Schacht's Hitler Project from Chapter Six of that book. Engdahl's notes are identified by <>. I have inserted supplementary information from earlier parts of the book in curly brackets, {}, just before the last paragraph below.
Bill Totten
The unstable international monetary order imposed after Versailles by London and New York bankers on a defeated central Europe came to an abrupt, if predictable, end in 1929. Montagu Norman, then the world's most influential central banker as governor of the Bank of England, precipitated the crash of the Wall Street stock market in October 1929. Norman had asked the governor of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, George Harrison, to raise US interest rate levels. Harrison complied, and the most dramatic financial and economic collapse in US history ensued in the following months.
By early 1931, Montagu Norman and a small circle in the British establishment had plans to shift the political dynamic in central Europe in a most astonishing manner. At the time, Austria's largest banking institution was the Creditanstalt of Vienna. Closely tied to the Austrian branch of the house of Rothschild, the Creditanstalt had grown during the 1920s through an unhealthy process of merging smaller troubled banks. The largest such merger was forced onto Creditanstalt during the month of the October 1929 stock market crash, when it was asked by the authorities to take over the Vienna Bodenkreditanstalt, a real estate lender which itself had swallowed several other unhealthy banks in the previous years.
At the beginning of 1931, Creditanstalt appeared to the world to be one of the mightiest of world banks. In reality, it was one of the sickest. The draconian Versailles conditions imposed by Britain, France and the United States had dismantled the Austro-Hungarian Empire, isolating Austria's economy from the valuable economic ties and raw materials of Hungary and the lands of eastern Europe. Austria's industrial economy had never recovered from the devastation of the First World War. Industry had run-down plants, outmoded equipment and huge unredeemable war loans. The political circumstances in Austria in the 1920s had led major parts of insolvent Austrian industry to pass into the hands of the ever-larger Creditanstalt.
Thus, by early 1931, Austria in general, and the Vienna Creditanstalt in particular, were the weak links of an international credit chain which had been built under the unhealthy foundation set by the New York banking firm of J P Morgan, in concert with the Bank of England and the London banks. Creditanstalt was unable to generate sufficient capital for its activities from the depressed Austrian economy and had become largely dependent on very short-term borrowings from London and New York to finance its activities. The Bank of England itself was actually a significant lender to Creditanstalt.
In March 1931, the French government and French Foreign Minister Briand declared themselves in determined opposition to announced negotiations between Berlin and Vienna for the forming of an Austro-German trade and customs union, a belated attempt to counter a growing world economic depression that had begun in America some months earlier. France reportedly ordered its banks to cut short-term credit lines to Creditanstalt, in a bid to bring pressure to bear on the Austrian government. What ensued that May, as rumors of a run on the deposits of Creditanstalt broke in the Vienna press, was a credit crisis which shook all of Europe. The Austrian National Bank, and ultimately the Austrian state, were forced to come to the rescue of the Creditanstalt, in what became the largest bank failure in history. Subsequent examination revealed that the crisis need never have reached such dramatic dimensions. It was intended to do so by certain powerful London and New York financiers who were preparing a dramatic shift in European geopolitics. <12> By the end of the 1920s, influential circles in Britain and the United States had decided to back a radical course for Germany.
J P Morgan bankers had already proved to themselves the usefulness of radical top-down political solutions to ensure repayment of bank loans, when they gave foreign credit to the fascist regime of Italian strongman Benito Mussolini. In November 1925, Italian Finance Minister Volpi di Misurata announced that the Mussolini government had reached an agreement on repaying the Versailles war debts of Italy to Britain and the United States. One week later, J P Morgan & Company, financial agents of the Mussolini government in the United
States, announced a crucial $100 million loan to Italy to 'stabilize the lira'.
In reality, Morgan had decided to stabilize Mussolini's fascist regime. On the urging of J P Morgan & Company and Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England, Volpi di Misurata established in 1926 a single Italian central bank, the Bank of Italy, to control national monetary policy and further ensure repayment of foreign debts. Mussolini had shown himself to be the ideal strongman to discipline Italian labor unions, drive down wages and enforce sufficient austerity to guarantee foreign bank lending, or so thought Morgan's people in New York.
The man who controlled US monetary policy at the time, former Morgan banker Benjamin Strong, an intimate personal friend and collaborator of Britain's Montagu Norman, met with Volpi and the Bank of Italy governor, Bonaldo Stringher, to confirm the final details of the Italian 'stabilization' program. From Poland to Romania during the 1920s, the same combination of powerful persons - J P Morgan & Company, Montagu Norman and the New York Federal Reserve - organized effective economic control over most countries of Continental Europe, under the pretext of the establishment of 'creditworthy' national policies - an informal precursor of the role of the International Monetary Fund in the 1980s. The New York banks were the source of the significant short-term capital for this lending, and the Bank of England, together with the British Foreign Office establishment, provided the political experience to impose the policy. <13>
The most concentrated efforts of this Anglo-Saxon circle were focused on Germany during the 1920s. Following the successful imposition of Hjalmar Schacht as president of the Reichsbank in 1923, and Schacht's implementation of the draconian Dawes Plan of war reparations repayment, drafted by Morgan & Company, the German economy during the 1920s became dependent on short-term loans from London and New York banks and their collaborators in Paris. For the banks, these German short-term credits were the most lucrative in the entire world financial markets of the day. For many of Germany's banks, including the fourth-largest, Darmstadter und Nationalbank Kommandit-Gesellschaft (Danat), dependence on short-term New York and London capital borrowings had become substantial, and at punitively high interest rates. The Weimar hyperinflation had largely destroyed the capital and reserves of major German banks during the early part of the decade. Thus the expansion of German bank lending during the late 1920s was by banks with a precariously small capital base in the event of loan default or other crises. Germany stood unique among major European industrial countries by the time of the 1929-30 New York stock market collapse. She owed international bank creditors an estimated sixteen billion Reichsmarks in such short-term debts.
This unsound banking structure required only a small push to topple it in its entirety. The push came from the New York Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, which, in a series of moves in 1929, raised their interest rates following more than two years of unprecedented stock market speculation as they pursued ever lower interest rates. The predictable crash in the New York stock market and the London market led to a massive withdrawal of US and British banking funds from Germany and Austria. By May 13 1931, the fuse was ready for the torch.
On that day, the large Vienna Creditanstalt collapsed. The French had decided to 'punish' Austria for entering into customs union talks with Germany by imposing currency sanctions. Creditanstalt was a Rothschild bank with heavy ties to French banking. As French funds were recalled from Austria, this toppled the fragile Creditanstalt the largest Austrian bank, which had large interests in some seventy per cent of Austria's industry. To attempt to stop the run on the Creditanstalt, Austrian banks called in all funds they had in German banks. Creditanstalt was the weak link which started the domino collapse of banking throughout central Europe.
The ensuing banking crisis, economic depression and the related tragic developments in Austria and Germany were dictated virtually to the letter by Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, the governor of the New York Federal Reserve, George Harrison, and the house of Morgan and friends in Wall Street. A decision had been made to cut all credits to Germany, though even a minimal roll-over of nominally small sums would probably have stopped the crisis from erupting out of control at this early stage.
Instead, capital began to flow out of Germany in ever greater amounts. On the demand of Montagu Norman and George Harrison a new Reichsbank President, Hans Luther, dutifully abstained from doing anything to stop the collapse of the large German banks. The immediate consequence of the Creditanstalt collapse in Vienna was the related failure of the Danat-Bank of Germany. The Danat-Bank, heavily dependent on foreign credits, lost almost 100 million Reichsmarks of deposits that May. The next month, Danat lost 848 million Reichsmarks, or forty per cent of all the deposits it held while Dresdner Bank lost ten per cent and even Deutsche Bank lost eight per cent of its deposits. By late June, Bankers Trust, a Morgan bank, cut the credit line to Deutsche Bank.
Harrison demanded that Reichsbank head Hans Luther impose rigorous credit austerity and tightening in the German capital markets claiming that this was the only way to stop the flight of foreign capital. What it ensured was the overall collapse of the German banking system and industry into the worst depression imaginable.
Montagu Norman backed Harrison, and the governor of the Bank of France joined them in blaming Germany for the crisis. Desperate last-minute efforts by the Bruning government to persuade Luther to seek an emergency stabilization credit from other central banks to contain the national banking crisis were, as a result, refused by Luther. When he finally capitulated and asked Montagu Norman for help, Norman slammed the door in his face. Germany as a consequence no longer effectively had any lender of last resort.
By July 1931, some two months after the collapse of the Vienna Creditanstalt had initiated the flight of capital out of Germany, the Basle Nationalzeitung reported that the Danat-Bank was 'in difficulties', which was sufficient in the electric climate to trigger a full panic run on that bank. The bank's chairman, Goldschmidt, later charged that the Reichsbank had selectively precipitated his bank's failure with discriminatory credit rationing. The ensuing banking crisis and collapse of industry created in Germany in the winter of 1931-32 what was said to be 'the hardest winter in one hundred years'. It was the breeding ground for radical political alternatives.
In March 1930, some months before the credit cutoff against Germany was imposed by the Anglo-American bankers, Reichsbank president Hjalmar Schacht surprised the government by handing in his resignation. The actual issue he resigned over was the offer of an emergency stabilization credit of 500 million Reichsmarks, which the Berlin government had been offered by the Swedish industrialist and financier, Ivar Kreuger, the famous Swedish 'match
king'. Kreuger and his American bankers, Lee Higginson & Company, were major lenders to Germany and other countries that had been cut off by the London and New York banks. But Kreuger's loan offer of early 1930 had explosive and unacceptable political consequences for the long-term strategy of Montagu Norman's friends. German Finance Minister Rudolf Hilferding urged Schacht, who, under the terms of the Dawes reparations plan, had to approve all foreign loans, to accept the Kreuger loan. Schacht refused and on March 6 handed Reichspresident von Hindenburg his resignation. Schacht had other duties to tend to.
Kreuger himself was found dead some months later, in early 1932 in his Paris hotel room. Official autopsy registered the death as suicide, but detailed inquiry by Swedish researchers decades later made a conclusive case that Kreuger had been murdered. The persons who stood to gain most from Kreuger's death were in London and New York, though the actual details will likely remain buried along with Kreuger. With Kreuger's death ended also Germany's hope for relief. She was totally cut off from international credit. <14>
For his part, Schacht was anything but idle after his resignation from the Reichsbank. He devoted his full energies to organizing financial support for the man he and his close friend, Bank of England governor Norman, agreed was the man for Germany's crisis.
Since 1926 Schacht had secretly been a backer of the radical National Socialist German workers' Party (NSDAP) or Nazi party of Adolf Hitler. After resigning his Reichsbank post, Schacht acted as a key liaison between powerful, but skeptical, German industrial leaders, the so-called 'Schlotbarone' of the Ruhr, and foreign financial leaders, especially Britain's Lord Norman.
British policy at this juncture was to create the 'Hitler Project', knowing fully what its ultimate geopolitical and military direction would be. As Colonel David Stirling, the founder of Britain's elite Special Air Services, related in a private discussion almost half a century later, 'The greatest mistake we British did was to think we could play the German Empire against the Russian Empire, and have them bleed one another to death'.
The British support for the Hitler option reached to the very highest levels. It included Britain's prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, the man infamous for the 1938 Munich appeasement which set Hitler's armies marching to Sudetenland in the east. Philip Kerr (later Lord Lothian), of the Cecil Rhodes Round Table group which we met earlier, was a close adviser to Neville Chamberlain. Lothian backed the Hitler project as part of the infamous Cliveden set in British circles, as did Lord Beaverbrook, the most influential British press magnate of the day, who controlled the mass-circulation Daily Express and Evening Standard. But perhaps the most influential backer of Hitler's movement at this time in Britain was the Prince of Wales, who became Edward VIII in early 1936, until his abdication at the end of the same year.
Certain influential American establishment figures were hardly ignorant of what the Hitler movement was about. Leading Wall Street and US State Department circles had been informed from an early stage. Even before the ill-fated 1923 Munich 'beer hall putsch', a US State Department official stationed in Munich as part of the Versailles occupation of Germany, Robert Murphy, later a central figure in the postwar Bilderberg group, personally met the young Hitler through General Erich Ludendorff. Murphy, who had served under Allen Dulles in Berne during the First World War, gathering intelligence on the German Reich, was in Munich with another influential US government official, Truman Smith, assigned to US Army intelligence occupying Germany.
In his memoirs, Smith later recalled his arrival in Munich in late 1922:
I talked at length about National Socialism with the Munich Consul, Mr Robert Murphy (later a very distinguished American Ambassador), General Erich Ludendorff, Crown Prince Rupert of Bavaria and Alfred Rosenberg. The latter later became the political philosopher of the Nazi party. On this visit I also saw much of Ernst F S ('Putzi') Hanfstaengl, of the well-known Munich art family. 'Putzi' was a Harvard graduate and later became Hitler's foreign press chief ... My interview with Hitler lasted some hours. The diary I kept in Munich indicates I was deeply impressed by his personality and thought it likely that he would play an important part in German politics.
In his November 1922 report to his superiors in Washington, Smith filed the following recommendation regarding his evaluation of the tiny Hitler group. Speaking of Hitler, Smith said:
His basic aim is the overthrow of Marxism ... and the winning of labor to the nationalist ideals of state and property ... The clash of party interests has ... demonstrated the impossibility of Germany's rescue from her present difficulties through democracy. His movement aims at the establishment of a national dictatorship through non-parliamentary means. Once achieved, he demands that the reparations demands be reduced to a possible figure, but that done, the sum agreed on to be paid to the last Pfennig, as a matter of national honor. To accomplish this the dictator must introduce universal reparations service and enforce it with the whole force of the state. His power during the period of fulfillment cannot be hampered by any legislature or popular assembly ...
To ensure that his colleagues in Washington's Division of Military intelligence got the point, Smith added his personal evaluation of Hitler: 'In private conversation he disclosed himself as a forceful and logical speaker, which, when tempered with a fanatical earnestness, makes a very deep impression on a neutral listener'. <15>
In late autumn of 1931, a man arrived at London's Liverpool Street railway station from Germany. His name was Alfred Rosenberg. Rosenberg met with the editor in chief of the influential London Times, Geoffrey Dawson. The Times gave Hitler's movement invaluable positive international publicity in the coming months. But the most important meeting Rosenberg had during this first England visit in 1931 was with Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England, and arguably the most influential figure of the day in world finance. Norman had three hatreds, according to his trusted personal secretary - the French, the Catholics and the Jews. Norman and Rosenberg found no difficulty in their talks together. The introduction to Norman had come through Hjalmar Schacht. From their first meeting in 1924, Schacht and Norman developed a friendship which lasted until Norman's death in 1945.
Rosenberg concluded his fateful London visit with a meeting with a leading person of the London Schroeder Bank, which was affiliated with J H Schroeder Bank in New York and with the Cologne-based private bank, J H Stein of Baron Kurt von Schroeder. The man whom Rosenberg met from Schroeder Bank in London was F C Tiarks, who was also a member of the Bank of England directorate and a close friend of Montagu Norman.
As Baron von Schroeder and Hjalmar Schacht went to leading German industrial and financial figures to secure support for the NSDAP after 1931, the first question of nervous and skeptical industrialists was, 'How does international finance, and especially Montagu Norman, regard the prospect of a German government under Hitler?' Was Norman prepared to come in with financial credit for Germany in such an event? The reality is that at this critical juncture, when Hitler's NSDAP had little more than six million votes in the 1930 elections, the international backing of Montagu Norman, Tiarks and friends in London was decisive.
On January 4 1932, at the Cologne villa of Baron Kurt von Schroeder, Adolf Hitler, von Papen and the Cologne banker, von Schroeder, secretly arranged financing of Hitler's NSDAP, at that time de facto bankrupt with huge debts, until the planned seizure of power by Hitler. Another meeting between Hitler and Franz von Papen took place on January 4, 1933, at von Schroeder's Cologne villa, at which the plan was finalized to topple the weak government of Schleicher and build a right-wing coalition. On January 30 1933, Adolf Hitler became chancellor of the Reich.
The final London visit of Alfred Rosenberg was in May 1933, this time as one of the inner figures in the new Hitler government. He went directly to the country home in Buckhurst Park in Ascot of Sir Henri Deterding, the head of Royal Dutch Shell and arguably the world's most influential businessman. According to English press accounts, the two had a warm and eventful discussion. Rosenberg had first met Deterding during his 1931 London trip. Royal Dutch Shell had intimate contact with, and provided support for the German NSDAP. Though the details were kept secret, reliable British reports of the day were that Deterding had provided substantial financial support to the Hitler project in its critical early phases.
{Engdahl says on pages 58 and 62 of the book that Royal Dutch Shell was covertly owned by the British Government, and says on page 59 that Deterding served as a trusted agent of British secret intelligence.}
While Norman and the Bank of England had adamantly refused to advance a pfennig of credit to Germany at the critical period in 1931 (thus precipitating the banking and unemployment crisis which made desperate alternatives such as Hitler even thinkable to leading circles in Germany), as soon as Hitler had consolidated power, in early 1933, the same Montagu Norman moved with indecent haste to reward the Hitler government with vital Bank of England credit. Norman made a special visit to Berlin in May 1934 to arrange further secret financial stabilization for the new regime. Hitler had responded by making Norman's dear friend Schacht his minister of economics as well as president of the Reichsbank. The latter post Schacht held until 1939. <16>
12. Dieter Stiefel. Finanzdiplomatie und Weltwirtschaftskrise: Die Krise der Creditanstalt fur Handel und Gewerbe, 1931. Frankfurt a.M.: Fritz Knapp Verlag, 1989.
13. Richard H Meyer. Bankers' Diplomacy: Monetary Stabilization in the 1920's. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.
14. Lars-Jonas Angstrom. 'Ivar Kreuger blev mordad!' Svenska Marknaden. August 1987. Stockholm.
15. Truman Smith. Berlin Alert: The Memoirs and Reports of Truman Smith. Stanford California: Hoover Institution Press, 1984.
16. Among the more useful references for this little-discussed topic are J and S Pool. 'Hitlers Wegbereiter zur Macht: Die geheimen deutschen und internationalen Geldquellen, die Hitlers Aufsteig zur Macht ermoglichten'. Munchen: Scherz Verlag, 1979; Heinz, Pentrzlin. 'Hjalmar Schacht'. Berlin: Verlag Ullstein GmbH, 1980; Also useful is Harold James. The German Slump: Politics and Economics 1924-1936. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1986.
Also see "Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 - Federal Documents" by John Buchanan and Stacey Michael, The New Hampshire Gazette, Volume 248 Number 3 (November 07 2003)
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Bill Totten
The draconian Versailles conditions imposed by Britain, France and the United States had dismantled the Austro-Hungarian Empire, isolating Austria's economy from the valuable economic ties and raw materials of Hungary and the lands of eastern Europe.
About Medicine Blog, at 6:30 PM, February 10, 2011
The author is absolutely right, and there is no question.
By, at 4:32 PM, November 16, 2011
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WhatsApp +1 (712) 600 2838 )
Unknown, at 8:57 AM, May 29, 2018
Hello Every One, I am Mrs Sarah Morrison Lynn From Canada, I quickly want to use this medium to shear a testimony on how God directed me to a Legit and real loan lender who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was scammed the sum of $6,200 i became so desperate in getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will not add to my pains, then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently got a loan online, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Mr David Thompson who is the C.E.O of David investments limited Company So i applied for a loan sum of (720,000.00USD) with low interest rate of 4%, so the loan was approved easily without stress and all the preparations where made concerning the loan transfer and in less than two(2) days the loan was deposited into my bank so i want to advice any one in need of a loan to quickly contact him via:( he does not know am doing this i pray that God will bless him for the good thing he has done in my life
Sarah Morrison, at 11:27 AM, May 29, 2018
"Are you in any financial difficulties? Do you need a loan to clear your debts? Are you going to increase your finances? Are you a business person who wants to expand his / her company. Hereby you should contact a real hero, trust and effective lending company credit loans. I learned how the individual and the government for our high efficiency.
Services include:
* Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
* Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
* Home Improvement
* Inventor Loans
* Auto Loans
etc. ..
Please get back to us if you are interested, through . If you’re looking at how to get prequalified for a home loan or how to get pre approved for a mortgage, we can help you out."
Sarah Morrison, at 11:28 AM, May 29, 2018
Private Lender Bentex Funding Group Ltd.
Greetings to you by (BFGL).
We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Bentex Funding Group Ltd working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.
We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Larsson.
(Personal Assistant)
Bentex Funding Group Ltd(BFGL)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Bentex Funding Group Ltd (BFGL)
Anonymous, at 10:51 PM, June 07, 2018
Have you be denied of a loan from your bank or any Financial Firm? Do you need financial assistance Do you need a loan to pay off your bills or buy a home, or Consolidate your debt and be debt free? Do you want to have a Business of your own and you need Financial Loan Help? Contact us for your fast reliable loan at a low interest rate of 2%. We are willing to help you out on either Business or Personal Loans, affordable repayment plan with good credit record. we Offer loan at affordable interest rate. if so contact Mr.Donald for more information ...Contact Email: MARLENAINVESTMENTSLIMITED@YAHOO.COM OR MARLENAINVESTMENTSLIMITED@GMAIL.COM
this opportunity is for you!
We offer the following types of loans:
* Commercial Loans.
* Personal Loans.
* Business Loans.
* Investments Loans.
* Development Loans.
* Acquisition Loans .
* Construction loans.
* Business Loans And many More:
Contact us today for more enlightenment on how to get the desired loan amount you have been looking for.
How A Legitimate Lender Helped Me
A very good day to you out there, my name is Rebecca Loda Fortner from Lake Jackson Texas, United States, Have you been looking for a loan? Do you need an urgent personal or business loan? Contact Mr James Richard Dyson of Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number +1(484)292-4513. He help me with a loan amount of $72,000.00, after been robbed of about $7,500 by a woman claiming to be a legitimate loan lender but today I am thankful to God for helping me meet this legitimate lender Mr James Richard Dyson who has brought back happiness into my life. To everyone out there in need of financial assistance kindly contact this company via email: He is trustworthy and reliable..
Rebecca Loda Fortner, at 8:51 PM, June 12, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an
international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business
and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance.. Apply today and you
will get a loan from us.
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 50,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 35 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan
with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 10:15 AM, June 18, 2018
I would like to put this question before I go straight to my public announcement here. If getting a legal loan online was as easy as referring to all these constructed / duplicate loan testimonials that I read via the internet, then why was my lovely husband refused for a loan online five times after he was scammed about 7,000 euro; It is exactly how a very close family friend gave me and my husband an e-mail from a reputable lending company known as Steven Anderson Loan Firm. I was surprised to get my loan amount of 85,000 them on(
Unknown, at 11:16 PM, June 18, 2018
I would like to put this question before I go straight to my public announcement here. If getting a legal loan online was as easy as referring to all these constructed / duplicate loan testimonials that I read via the internet, then why was my lovely husband refused for a loan online five times after he was scammed about 7,000 euro; It is exactly how a very close family friend gave me and my husband an e-mail from a reputable lending company known as Steven Anderson Loan Firm. I was surprised to get my loan amount of 85,000 them on(
Unknown, at 11:16 PM, June 18, 2018
I would like to put this question before I go straight to my public announcement here. If getting a legal loan online was as easy as referring to all these constructed / duplicate loan testimonials that I read via the internet, then why was my lovely husband refused for a loan online five times after he was scammed about 7,000 euro; It is exactly how a very close family friend gave me and my husband an e-mail from a reputable lending company known as Steven Anderson Loan Firm. I was surprised to get my loan amount of 85,000 them on(
Unknown, at 11:16 PM, June 18, 2018
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate of 3% per annual for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. We have provided billions in business loans to over 10,000 business owners just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 or 42 hours of successful application. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme. Interested applicants should Contact us via Email:
Charlie Elliot, at 10:04 AM, June 19, 2018
How Jennard Investments Limited Granted Me A Loan.
My name is Leslie Briggs Teague from Alaska USA. For a long time now, I have been into some financial mess and wasn't able to get a loan from my bank and other credit union I visited due to my poor credit. But a friend of mine told me about Jennard Investments Limited and how she was helped by Mr James Richard Dyson with a loan at a very low interest rate of 3% and better repayment schedule. She advice I give it a try cause they can help me out of my financial difficulties as well. Though I never believed her because I have tried lots of lenders who could not help me out due to my poor credit. She advised I give it a try to be convinced, so I contacted them on 15th of June via email: they took me through the loan process and granted me a loan of $55,000 as applied. To anyone out there in need of financial assistance kindly contact this company to get your loan.
Leslie Briggs Teague, at 11:17 PM, June 21, 2018
We are end suppliers of gold sourcing directly from local miners of gold dust within the region of Democratic Republic of Congo with our operational office in Nairobi, Kenya We presently have about 375kg of assayed gold in our vault facility here in Nairobi, Kenya and are seeking for reliable direct buyers.
Our Products specifications are
Products :AU Gold Bar/ Nugget
Quantity : 375kg
Quality : 24carat+
Purity : 97.8%
Price: $26,000 Per KG ( Negotiable)
Capacity to supply 100kg per month after the supply of the available 375kg
email us or Call number
+256757277036...+25491354111 .
Anonymous, at 5:46 PM, June 23, 2018
Are you in need of a loan? Do you want to pay off your bills? Do you want to be financially stable? All you have to do is to contact us for more information on how to get started and get the loan you desire. This offer is open to all that will be able to repay back in due time. Note-that repayment time frame is negotiable and at interest rate of 3% just email us ( (
Call number +14805267557 ....
Anonymous, at 5:46 PM, June 23, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 7:20 AM, June 24, 2018
Are you interested in getting a loan? We offer loans ranging from personal to industrial loans to interested persons and companies who are seeking financial assistance or growth. We offer large and small amounts of Loans to our clients. We also offer Long and short term Loan with a reliable guarantee Our Loan Interest rates is very low and affordable with a negotiable duration. Weoffer our Loans to our clients In USD($), GBP(?) Or Euro(?) and in the following categories.
Auto Loans
Mortgage loans
Business Loans
Personal Loans
Real Estate Loan.
Anticipate your response today. for more info pls contact: ( )...............
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM, June 25, 2018
Thanks for Sharing the info. It is very useful for short term loans bad credit is definitely the best one for bad credit. I applied and got a loan in 2 days. It's super easy and the customer service are very polite. Yes it is possible with Short Term Credits. Getting a personal loans without credit check with this portal is always a beneficial along with reasonable interest rates.
Anonymous, at 7:40 PM, June 26, 2018
Private Lender Bentex Funding Group Ltd.
Greetings to you by (BFGL).
We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Bentex Funding Group Ltd working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.
We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Larsson.
(Personal Assistant)
Bentex Funding Group Ltd(BFGL)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Bentex Funding Group Ltd (BFGL)
Anonymous, at 6:18 PM, June 27, 2018
Hello, i want to use this medium to testify of a loan company that help me obtain a commercial loan with less stress. they offer all kids of Loan and if you are interested in obtaining a loan you will have to contact them with the below info.
Please let them know you were refereed to them by Lin Angela.
Email: liberoloans@gmail. com
or whats App: +4368864233117
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM, July 01, 2018
Hello Everybody,
My name is Mrs Sharon Sim. I live in Singapore and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of S$250,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of S$250,000.00 SG. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs Sharon, that refer you to him. contact Dr Purva Pius,via email:( Thank you.
Dr Purva Pius, at 4:58 AM, July 03, 2018
Hello everyone, My name is Benson Smith , I am from the hawaii, United State, am here to testify of how i got my loan from Mr ALENXANDER WALKER Loan Company{ ( } after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right here this forum, i thought their lending was real and i applied but they never gave me loan until a friend of mine introduce me to Mr ALENXANDER WALKER Loan Company, who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and he really did as he promised without any form of delay, I had doubts but i never seize to believe. I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met Mr ALENXANDER WALKER, who really helped me with my loan and changed my life for the better. I know there are still many good lenders out there but i would advise you to try Mr ALENXANDER WALKER Loan Company, his caring and understanding. don't know if you are in need of an urgent loan also or want funding for your projects, So feel free to contact Mr ALENXANDER WALKER Loan Company his email address is
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, July 03, 2018
Loans for all kind of purpose, We offer from a minimum amount of €10,000.00 to €20 million And at a low interest rate of 2% Loan Term: 25 years maximum depending on
the loan amount you need.
Customers should be above the age of 18 This loan transaction is 100% guarantee for serious customers, For more information about the loan please contact us through.
Tel: +1 (437)370-4146
Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
Dr.Cash Craft.
(MD) INFO CASH CRAFT LTD Credit Company information in this letter, in transmission of confidential and exclusive definition of the intended recipient (s). If this is not the recipient, you are hereby notified that unworthy definition, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (with the exception of the receiver), copying, taking unworthy action, because this information is strictly prohibited under the law.
Thomas, at 7:42 PM, July 03, 2018
Loans for all kind of purpose, We offer from a minimum amount of €10,000.00 to €20 million And at a low interest rate of 2% Loan Term: 25 years maximum depending on
the loan amount you need.
Customers should be above the age of 18 This loan transaction is 100% guarantee for serious customers, For more information about the loan please contact us through.
Tel: +1 (437)370-4146
Copyright 2018. All rights reserved.
Dr.Cash Craft.
(MD) INFO CASH CRAFT LTD Credit Company information in this letter, in transmission of confidential and exclusive definition of the intended recipient (s). If this is not the recipient, you are hereby notified that unworthy definition, disclosure, dissemination, distribution (with the exception of the receiver), copying, taking unworthy action, because this information is strictly prohibited under the law.
Thomas, at 7:51 PM, July 03, 2018
How I was able to pay my bills and restored my dying business.
My name is Carole Landon from San Francisco, California. I am here to bring to your notice and recommend you all currently in need of financial assistance to contact Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number: +1(484)292-4513, for a loan assistance. I was in great need of $72,000.00 loan amount to restore my dying business and also to pay up my bills, I contacted the for a loan assistance and I receive my loan successfully, without any delay after going through their loan process. through the help of Mr James Richard Dyson To everyone out there in need of any kind of loan i advise you contact then via email: Thanks.
Unknown, at 9:17 PM, July 03, 2018
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
We Have Loan Programs Tailored For Any Profile And You've Come To The Right Place To Satisfy Your Business Needs. If Your Company Or You Know Of Any Company With Viable Projects / Proposals That Needs Financing, Kindly Write Us With The Loan Requirement. Please, Contact Us For More Information: ( )
You Will Hear From Us. Well Nice To Meet You And I look forward to our Business Acquaintance. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Kindly write us back with the loan information;
- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
- Telephone:
- How Did You Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Unknown, at 4:07 AM, July 05, 2018
Are you in any financial crisis, do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital service from local banks and other financial institutes? Here is your chance to obtain a financial service from our company. We offer all kind of loan to individual companies at 3% interest rate. If you need a loan do not hesitate to contact us via
Name: Gilbert Aaron
Gilbert Loan Firm, at 9:24 AM, July 05, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 9:48 PM, July 07, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 3:33 AM, July 11, 2018
My name is Shea Elton, I am from New York, United State, am here to testify of how i got my loan from MARVIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED after i applied Two times from various loan lenders who claimed to be lenders right in this forum,i thought their lending where real and i applied but they never gave me loan. I was in need of an urgent loan to start a business and i applied from various loan lenders who promised to help but they never gave me the loan.Until a friend of mine introduce me to MARVIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED who promised to help me with a loan of my desire and really did as promised without any form of delay,i got my loan 5th of june 2018, I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met MARVIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED who really helped me with my loan and changed my life for better. I don't know if you are in need of an urgent loan, free feel to contact} for help.
God bless............
BLANK ATM CARD FOR SALE +1(539) 888-2243, at 7:23 AM, July 11, 2018
Private Lender Bentex Funding Group Ltd.
Greetings to you by (BFGL).
We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Bentex Funding Group Ltd working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.
We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Larsson.
(Personal Assistant)
Bentex Funding Group Ltd(BFGL)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Bentex Funding Group Ltd (BFGL)
Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, July 11, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 8:53 AM, July 12, 2018
I have spefial advice for you all this new year because we have been cheated too much in time past by fake online lenders who claim to be real and i advice you all to follow mu advice or get doomed all in the bid of getting a loan funds .
My name is Niome and I was in a financial mess, me and my partner were fighting all the time for money issues, We had no choice but to look out for online loans in other countries as our credit score was bad and also coupled with the fact that the loan sharks around here had high interest rate , the short story is that we were defrauded big time and also made to believe that were would get the loan and yet another story which went on and on , my partner detected this and found out that they were fake and from Africa , we backed out and told a family friend who refered us to a UNITED STATE based loan agency called THE WINONA MILLARAY LOAN FOUNDATION she also told us how she got a loan from them on an interest rate of %2 percent , at this point we didnt get carried away with the interest rate but rather we just needed something legit and we asked several proofs to be sure even though she was family and she went ahead to granting us bank statement as to when her loan funds that was approved within 48 hours were granted , all looked like a dream and we applied for our own buisness loan of $100,000.00 AUD too , amazingly we got approved within same 48 hours without no hidden charges due to th fact that we had a matching collacteral to back up our loan request . all thanks to te WINONA MILLARAY WORKERS . STAFFS AND C.E.O it was an amazing experience with them and i pray that may God bless then abundantly . Bless Up . yall can reach them on , Thank You Jesus .
Niome - Brisbane Australia .
Anonymous, at 2:09 AM, July 13, 2018
How I was able to pay my bills and restored my dying business.
My name is Carole Landon from San Francisco, California. I am here to bring to your notice and recommend you all currently in need of financial assistance to contact Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number: +1(484)292-4513, for a loan assistance. I was in great need of $72,000.00 loan amount to restore my dying business and also to pay up my bills, I contacted the for a loan assistance and I receive my loan successfully, without any delay after going through their loan process. through the help of Mr James Richard Dyson To everyone out there in need of any kind of loan i advise you contact then via email: Thanks.
Unknown, at 7:12 AM, July 14, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 9:12 AM, July 15, 2018
Looking for a debt consolidation loan, unsecured loans, business loans, mortgage loans, car loans, student loans, personal loans, venture capital, etc! I am a private lender, I provide loans to companies and individuals with low interest rates and reasonable interest rates of 2%. Email to:
Anonymous, at 10:59 AM, July 15, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 7:52 AM, July 17, 2018
Dear Applicant, I am Mr.Favour Melody World Best Loan Offer Company LTD.. We are an international loan firm. It a financial opportunity at your door step We provide Business and personal loans etc. as long as it concerns financial assistance..We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing Apply today and you will get a loan from us..
Apply Now for your very low interest rate of 2% loan!
* We offer loan in EURO AND DOLLAR
* Borrow between 5000USD to 90,000,000.00USD
* Choose between 1 to 30 years to repay.
* Flexible loan terms and conditions.
* It a world of happiness with us bring back those joy of yours by applying for a loan with us today...
All these plans and more, contact us now by email for more info.. ( ) OR SMS US NOW +1518 621 2700
Email us now:
Call/Sms: +1518 621 2700
Giving your world a meaning.
World Best Loan Company Offer..
World Best Loan Offer, at 9:42 AM, July 17, 2018
Private Lender Bentex Funding Group Ltd.
Greetings to you by (BFGL).
We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Bentex Funding Group Ltd working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.
We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Larsson.
(Personal Assistant)
Bentex Funding Group Ltd(BFGL)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Bentex Funding Group Ltd (BFGL)
Anonymous, at 11:06 PM, July 17, 2018
Hello Everyone...
Are you a business man or woman? And you are in need of an urgent loan as to start up your own business? Or do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Interested applicants should Contact us via Email: ( ) or call/sms +1-562-453-0961 for a loan offer of 2% Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.
We offer the following types of loans:
* Car Loan
* Farm Loan
* Home Loan
* Hotels Loan
* Truck Loans
* Personal Loan
* Business Loan
* Mortgage Loan
* Investment Loan
* Commercial Loan
* Construction Loan
* Debt Consolidation Loan
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Truck Loans,Home Refinancing Loans Hotels Loans, Farm Loan with low interest rate at 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.
Interested applicants should Contact us for more info via Email: or call/sms +1-562-453-0961.
Do apply now and get that dream you always want for your self.
Mr.Louis Peter Funds Investment Loan Company.
Louis Loan Offer, at 10:41 PM, July 19, 2018
Hello Everyone...
Are you a business man or woman? And you are in need of an urgent loan as to start up your own business? Or do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Interested applicants should Contact us via Email: ( ) or call/sms +1-562-453-0961 for a loan offer of 2% Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Truck Loans,Home Refinancing Loans Hotels Loans, Farm Loan with low interest rate at 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.
Interested applicants should Contact us for more info via Email: or call/sms +1-562-453-0961.
Do apply now and get that dream you always want for your self.
Mr.Louis Peter Funds Investment Loan Company.
Louis Loan Offer, at 3:49 AM, July 21, 2018
Hello Everyone...
Are you a business man or woman? And you are in need of an urgent loan as to start up your own business? Or do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Interested applicants should Contact us via Email: ( ) or call/sms +1-562-453-0961 for a loan offer of 2% Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Truck Loans,Home Refinancing Loans Hotels Loans, Farm Loan with low interest rate at 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.
Interested applicants should Contact us for more info via Email: or call/sms +1-562-453-0961.
Do apply now and get that dream you always want for your self.
Mr.Louis Peter Funds Investment Loan Company.
Louis Loan Offer, at 7:18 AM, July 21, 2018
Hello Everyone...
Are you a business man or woman? And you are in need of an urgent loan as to start up your own business? Or do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Interested applicants should Contact us via Email: ( ) or call/sms +1-562-453-0961 for a loan offer of 2% Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Truck Loans,Home Refinancing Loans Hotels Loans, Farm Loan with low interest rate at 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.
Interested applicants should Contact us for more info via Email: or call/sms +1-562-453-0961.
Do apply now and get that dream you always want for your self.
Mr.Louis Peter Funds Investment Loan Company.
Louis Loan Offer, at 7:20 AM, July 21, 2018
Hello Everyone...
Are you a business man or woman? And you are in need of an urgent loan as to start up your own business? Or do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Interested applicants should Contact us via Email: ( ) or call/sms +1-562-453-0961 for a loan offer of 2% Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Truck Loans,Home Refinancing Loans Hotels Loans, Farm Loan with low interest rate at 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.
Interested applicants should Contact us for more info via Email: or call/sms +1-562-453-0961.
Do apply now and get that dream you always want for your self.
Mr.Louis Peter Funds Investment Loan Company.
Louis Loan Offer, at 11:30 AM, July 21, 2018
Mr Mark Roland Paco Loan Company.
Do you need an urgent loan to finance your business or in any purpose? we are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan lender We offer loans to Business firms,a huge problem to clients who have financial problem and in need of solution to it at an affordable interest rate?processed within 3 Of 6 working days.We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing,Contact us today Mr Mark Roland Paco Company Email:
DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE.. we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 3%
Our services include the following More Information contact +1 (419) 718-1467
1.Home Loans.
2.Business Loans
4.Refinancing Loans
5.Home Loans
6.Truck Loans
7.Personal Loans
8.Debt consolidation loans
9.Car Loans
10.Education Loans
11:Investment Loans
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or email: or contact Call/Text +1 (419) 718-1467
Mark Roland, at 6:30 AM, July 22, 2018
Hello Everyone...
Are you a business man or woman? And you are in need of an urgent loan as to start up your own business? Or do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Interested applicants should Contact us via Email: ( ) or call/sms +1-562-453-0961 for a loan offer of 2% Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the services you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses.
We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Truck Loans,Home Refinancing Loans Hotels Loans, Farm Loan with low interest rate at 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.
Interested applicants should Contact us for more info via Email: or call/sms +1-562-453-0961.
Do apply now and get that dream you always want for your self.
Mr.Louis Peter Funds Investment Loan Company.
Louis Loan Offer, at 7:20 AM, July 23, 2018
Mr Mark Roland Paco Loan Company.
Do you need an urgent loan to finance your business or in any purpose? we are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan lender We offer loans to Business firms,a huge problem to clients who have financial problem and in need of solution to it at an affordable interest rate?processed within 3 Of 6 working days.We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing,Contact us today Mr Mark Roland Paco Company Email:
DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE.. we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 3%
Our services include the following More Information contact +1 (419) 718-1467
1.Home Loans.
2.Business Loans
4.Refinancing Loans
5.Home Loans
6.Truck Loans
7.Personal Loans
8.Debt consolidation loans
9.Car Loans
10.Education Loans
11:Investment Loans
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or email: or contact Call/Text +1 (419) 718-1467
Mark Roland, at 5:58 PM, July 25, 2018
Mr Mark Roland Paco Loan Company.
Do you need an urgent loan to finance your business or in any purpose? we are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan lender We offer loans to Business firms,a huge problem to clients who have financial problem and in need of solution to it at an affordable interest rate?processed within 3 Of 6 working days.We are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic. And a Co-operate Financier For Real Estate And Any Kinds Of Business Financing,Contact us today Mr Mark Roland Paco Company Email:
DO YOU NEED 100% FINANCE.. we give out loans with an affordable interest rate of 3%
Our services include the following More Information contact +1 (419) 718-1467
1.Home Loans.
2.Business Loans
4.Refinancing Loans
5.Home Loans
6.Truck Loans
7.Personal Loans
8.Debt consolidation loans
9.Car Loans
10.Education Loans
11:Investment Loans
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Worry no more about your loans or email: or contact Call/Text +1 (419) 718-1467
Mark Roland, at 5:59 PM, July 25, 2018
I Am Mr Greg, we give out affordable loan at 3% interest rate. contact us with Your
Full Name:
Amount Needed:
Mobile No:
golden finance, at 7:33 PM, July 25, 2018
Good-day, I'm Josef Lewis. A reputable, legitimate & accredited lender. We give out loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Inventor loan, Debt Consolidation. etc
Get approved for a business or personal loans today and get funds within same week of application. These personal loans can be approved regardless of your credit and there are lots of happy customers to back up this claim. But you won’t only get the personal loan you need; you will get the cheapest one. This is our promise: We guarantee The lowest rate for all loans with free collateral benefits.
We strive to leave a positive lasting impression by exceeding the expectations of my customers in everything I do. Our goal is to treat you with dignity and respect while providing the highest quality service in a timely manner. No social security Number required and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed. Kindly respond immediately using the details below if interested in a loan and be free of scams..
Call/Text +1(603) 786-7565 thanks
Unknown, at 7:13 PM, July 26, 2018
Hello Everyone,Mr Mark Roland Paco Loan Company
Welcome to the future! Financing made easy with Mark Roland Loan Investment Inc.
Have you been looking for financing options for your new business plans, Are you seeking for a loan to expand your existing business, Do you find yourself in a bit of trouble with unpaid bills and you don’t know which way to go or where to turn to? Have you been turned down by your banks? Mark Roland Loan Investment Inc. says YES when your banks say NO. Contact us as we offer financial services at a low and affordable interest rate of 3% for long and short term loans. Interested applicants should contact us for further loan acquisition or Phone Number:(419) 718-1467
Services rendered include:
* Car Loan
* Home Loan
* Mortgage Loan
* Debt Consolidation Loan
* Business Loan [secure and unsecured]
* Personal Loan [secure and unsecured]
* Students Loan and so many others.
For more info;
Phone Number:(419) 718-1467
For more details contact us at:
With Mr Mark Roland Loan Investment Inc. you can say goodbye to all your financial crisis and difficulties as we are certified, trustworthy, reliable, efficient, fast and dynamic
Remain Blessed,
Mr Mark Roland.
Mark Roland, at 4:35 AM, July 29, 2018
We have been able to provide over $700million in business and mortgage loans to over 15,000 individual all over the world. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business and Mortgage loan to fit your need. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 24 hours of successful application. We offer loans from a minimum range of $5,000 to a maximum of $700,000,000.00
Are you in a bit of trouble over unpaid bills and don’t know what to do? How about finding a reputable Debt Consolidation firm that can help make things lot more easy by assisting you in reducing monthly installment so that you will have affordable repayment options as well as room to breathe when it comes to the end of the month and bills need to get paid? Jim Hawkins Loan Company is the answer. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Phone: +1(504)867-8366
Are you affected by the economic state of your country and your bank refuses to give you a loan? If your answer is yes, then look no further . We offer safe and secure loans at an interest rate of 2% Jim Hawkins Loan Company
Phone: +1(504)867-8366
aims is to provide Excellent Professional Financial Services.
Our services include the following:
* Personal Loans
* Mortgage Loans
* Business loans
* Debt consolidation loans
* Car Loans
* Student Loans
* Home Loans
* Refinancing Loans
* Home Loans
We offer loans with a low interest rate of 2% and loan duration of 1 to 20 years to pay back(secure and unsecured). Do not keep your financial problems to yourself, Jim Hawkins Loan Company was established to help you solve those problems. which is reason you need to contact us today for a quick solution to your financial problems.
NOTE: It only take less than 24 Hours to process your file and get your loan approved and it’s 100% Guaranteed no matter your Credit Score and Location.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Jim Hawkins
Phone: +1 (504)867-8366
Unknown, at 5:09 AM, July 30, 2018
How I got a loan after being scammed.
Hello everyone, my name is Carmen Boykin Jennette from Missouri USA, I have been struggling looking for a means of getting a loan for the past 4 months, I have searched a lot of companies and during that process I got scammed. I needed a loan of $47,000 to set up a business and settle my bills as well as take care of my children. But instead of getting a loan I was scammed by 2 different lenders not until I was referred to one Mr James Richard Dyson of Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number: +1(484)292-4513 by Mrs Renee Craig a member of my church. So I decided to apply and to my surprise I was granted and funded my desired loan amount as I have applied for. I want to use this platform to reach out to everyone out there in need of a loan to contact then via email: They are reliable.
Unknown, at 9:20 PM, July 31, 2018
Business & Personal Loan Offer
Affordable installment loans.
Guaranteed fixed payments.
Guaranteed fixed interest rates of 2%Do you need Financial help?
Need a personal loan for an unexpected expense?
Do you need a Business Setup Loan?
Need MARVIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED provides personal loans to individuals And Companies Body with no or less than perfect credit.
We Offer from 5,000.00 USD to 900 Million USD,This is the best loan compant apply for your loan now asap Kindly contact our front desk via below e-mail Direct all Mail to:
MARVIN INVESTMENTS LIMITED, at 11:20 AM, August 03, 2018
HURRAY! APPLY NOW FOR RELIABLE LOAN OFFER [Call/Text] +1(415) 322-7529 [WhatsApp Number] +19292227023 [Email]
GOOD NEWS, Are you in need of any kind of reliable loans, and you do not know how to obtain or apply for it you do not have to over stressed your self any more for we are here for you we are here to help you out from your financial problems and difficulties if you are in need of payday, personal, business loans any kind of loans we are fully ready and willing to grant you the amount of loan funds you are looking for. Do you want to consolidate your debts? Do you have a bad credit score? Are you facing any financial difficulties? Are you under debt review? Are you owing too many people out there and you are so ashamed to face it? Are you in any of these problems and difficulties all this while? If you are, just consider your problem to be a thing of the past because we are here to end your financial problems. We are top financial consultants that handles international finances for any amount of banking instruments. We have the access and contacts to raise from $8,000.00 Dollars to $850,000,000.00 Dollars And Above. In any of the currency you want it via email [] Also the interest rate is very cheap just 2% interest rate for long and short term loans. Have you been turned down by your banks and other financial institutions? Capital Management Inc. says YES when your banks say NO. Stop complaining of your financial problems? when the solution is here with you Capital Management Inc. Is the final answer to your financial misfortunes. Note getting a loan from this company is 100% assured and guaranteed. It will be a great joy to us when you are financially stable. reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. this is the right place to get credible loans If you want all your financial problems to be a thing of the past and also you want to CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR OUT STANDING DEBTS then you will have to quickly contact us via Email
Unknown, at 7:50 PM, August 18, 2018
We have provided more than $ 1 billion in business loans to more than 15,000 business owners, just like you. We use our own designated risk technology to provide you with the right business loan so that you can grow your business. Our services are fast and reliable, loans are approved within 72 hours of successful application. We offer loans of at least $ 10,000 up to a
maximum of $ 20 million.
We offer:
* Business loan
* Personal loans or signature loans
* Schemes to borrow from $ 10,000.00 to $ 20,000,000
* Choose between 1 to 10 years repayment period.
* Choose between monthly and yearly payment plan.
* Interest rates as low as 2%.
We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Do not worry about your loans or finances anymore.
Unknown, at 8:26 AM, August 23, 2018
Dear Financial Seekers. We are a Registered Private Investors/Loan Lender Do you need FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Are you in financial mess OR debts? We offer loan at 2% interest rate within 1 year to 30 years repayment duration period to Individual and Companies that are in need of financial assistance and to any part of the world. We give out loans ranging from $5,000.00 to $500,000,000.00, CURRENCIES: USD, CAD, KWD, OMR, RUB, GBP, EURO PESOS, SOLES. Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Are you losing sleep at night worrying how to get a legit loan lender? Are you in poverty? Do you need financial assistance to set-up a business? We can assist you financially. We'll help you get over those financial obstacles. Interested Individual OR Companies should contact us via: Email or whatsapp +1 (936) 298-8613
Unknown, at 10:10 AM, August 24, 2018
We bring to you good news...
Do you know or heard about blank programmed ATM Card??
We have special cash loaded programmed ATM card for you to meet up with those needs of yours and also start up your own business. Our ATM card can be used to withdraw cash at any ATM or swipe, stores and POS. Our card has daily withdrawal limit depending on the card balance you order.You can make from $2500 to $50,000.00 In USD And EUR,with our Programmed card. Contact us today for your own order at :
Here are the price list for ATM Cards:
Balance Price
Do contact for more info and also on how you are going to get your order..
Order yours today via Email: Gmail-Compose mail to:
call/sms +1-562-453-0961
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM, September 02, 2018
Affordable Loan Offer
Compliment of the day everyone! Getting a legitimate loan have always been a major problem to reputable applicants who are in great need of a loan, who has financial difficulties and problems and needs lasting solution to it. On our loan program there is no collateral non social security required and no credit check, 100% surety guarantee at a 3% interest rate. Contact Jennard Investments Limited today and put an end to your financial problems on email address: JENNARDINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM and contact number +1(484) 292-4513. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Contact us today and worry no more about financial problems.
Jennard Investments Limited, at 11:17 PM, September 14, 2018
Affordable Loan Offer
Compliment of the day everyone! Getting a legitimate loan have always been a major problem to reputable applicants who are in great need of a loan, who has financial difficulties and problems and needs lasting solution to it. On our loan program there is no collateral non social security required and no credit check, 100% surety guarantee at a 3% interest rate. Contact Jennard Investments Limited today and put an end to your financial problems on email address: JENNARDINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM and contact number +1(484) 292-4513. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Contact us today and worry no more about financial problems.
Jennard Investments Limited, at 11:27 PM, September 14, 2018
Private Lender Bentex Funding Group Ltd.
Greetings to you by (BFGL).
We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Bentex Funding Group Ltd working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.
We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Larsson.
(Personal Assistant)
Bentex Funding Group Ltd(BFGL)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Bentex Funding Group Ltd (BFGL)
Anonymous, at 11:23 PM, September 17, 2018
Private Lender Bentex Funding Group Ltd.
Greetings to you by (BFGL).
We are a France-Paris based investment company known as Bentex Funding Group Ltd working on expanding its portfolio globally and financing projects.
We would be happy to fund and invest with you in any profitable project if you have any viable project we can finance by making mutual investment with you. If you are interested, kindly contact us for more details.
Looking forward hearing from you soonest.
Yours truly,
Mrs Rose Larsson.
(Personal Assistant)
Bentex Funding Group Ltd(BFGL)
501 Avenue Montaigne,75008 Paris-France
Paris-France.Bentex Funding Group Ltd (BFGL)
Anonymous, at 9:05 PM, October 01, 2018
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Do You Seek Funds To Pay Off Credits and Debts? ( ) Is Here To Put A Stop To Your Financial Problems. We Offer All Kinds Of Loan (Personal Loan, Commercial Loan, etc.) We Give Out Loan With An Interest Rate Of 1.00%. Interested Applicants Should Contact Us Via Email: ( )
Please Fill the Application Form Below:
- Complete Name:
- Loan Amount Needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose Of Loan:
- City / Country:
- Telephone:
- How Did You Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Do You Seek Funds To Pay Off Credits and Debts? ( ) Is Here To Put A Stop To Your Financial Problems. We Offer All Kinds Of Loan (Personal Loan, Commercial Loan, etc.) We Give Out Loan With An Interest Rate Of 1.00%. Interested Applicants Should Contact Us Via Email: ( )
Unknown, at 4:35 PM, October 03, 2018
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
We Have Loan Programs Tailored For Any Profile And You've Come To The Right Place To Satisfy Your Business Needs. If Your Company Or You Know Of Any Company With Viable Projects / Proposals That Needs Financing, Kindly Write Us With The Loan Requirement. Please, Contact Us For More Information: ( )
You Will Hear From Us. Well Nice To Meet You And I look forward to our Business Acquaintance. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Kindly write us back with the loan information;
- Complete Name:
- Loan amount needed:
- Loan Duration:
- Purpose of loan:
- City / Country:
- Telephone:
- How Did You Hear About Us:
Do You Need A Loan To Consolidate Your Debt At 1.0%? Or A Personal Loans * Business Loans etc. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
We Offers Financial Consulting To Client, Companies Seeking Debt / Loan Financing And Seeking For Working Capital To Start A New Business Or To Expand Existing Business. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via E-mail: ( )
Unknown, at 4:35 PM, October 03, 2018
We are a professional carding team with a large ring around the globe. With over 2 million ATM infected with our malware and skimmers, we can grab bank card data which include the track 1 and track 2 with the card pin. We in turn clone this cards using the grabbed data into real ATM cards which can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2500 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit on in stores.
order now: Contact whatsApp:+1(843)547-4507
Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS :
$10,000: $500
$20,000: $1000
$35,000: $1700
$50,000: $2500
$100,000: $5000
The prices include the shipping fees and charges, order now: Contact us:
Prof Robert Hernandez, at 4:59 PM, October 15, 2018
Special Loan Offer
Compliment of the day everyone! Getting a legitimate loan have always been a major problem to reputable applicants who are in great need of a loan, who has financial difficulties and problems and needs lasting solution to it. On our loan program there is no collateral non social security required and no credit check, 100% surety guarantee at a 3% interest rate. Contact Mr Christopher Michael Kendrick today and put an end to your financial problems on email address: KENDRICKINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM and contact number +1(386)957-9738. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Contact us today and worry no more about financial problems.
Unknown, at 1:43 PM, October 31, 2018
Special Loan Offer
Compliment of the day everyone! Getting a legitimate loan have always been a major problem to reputable applicants who are in great need of a loan, who has financial difficulties and problems and needs lasting solution to it. On our loan program there is no collateral non social security required and no credit check, 100% surety guarantee at a 3% interest rate. Contact Mr Christopher Michael Kendrick today and put an end to your financial problems on email address: KENDRICKINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM and contact number +1(386)957-9738. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Contact us today and worry no more about financial problems.
Unknown, at 10:40 PM, November 02, 2018
Special Loan Offer
Compliment of the day everyone! Getting a legitimate loan have always been a major problem to reputable applicants who are in great need of a loan, who has financial difficulties and problems and needs lasting solution to it. On our loan program there is no collateral non social security required and no credit check, 100% surety guarantee at a 3% interest rate. Contact Mr Christopher Michael Kendrick today and put an end to your financial problems on email address: KENDRICKINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM and contact number +1(386)957-9738. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Contact us today and worry no more about financial problems.
Unknown, at 8:22 AM, November 04, 2018
I am Patty Wiemers, from Kokoma, Indiana, I am a single mom with three kids. I want to speak of the good deal done to me by Jennard Investments Limited, they restored my happiness by giving me a loan, I needed to refinance and pay medication bills and Xmas loan. Before now I tried seeking loans from banks but I was declined because I had bad credit. But a fellowship member told me of Jennard Investments Limited, and number +1(484)292-4513 I decided to contact the company and as God would have it, I successfully secured a loan $75,000 on the 6th of November 2018. I have made the right choice by contacting them. I advise those out there searching for a legit place to secure an Xmas loan to quickly contact Jennard Investments Limited via email: don't know I'm speaking of the good thing they has done for me.
Patty Wiemers, at 11:35 PM, November 19, 2018
Read Up My Story Today as my story is a very special and unique one as is not like the numerous advert you always see online and also I want to be 100% sincere and truthful to you that there can never be any other online spell caster that can help you bring back your EX BACK to you other than DR OTIS DARKO as he alone is 100% effective,dynamic and very reliable as 99.9% of other spell casters are not for real and can never help you solve your problems at all instead they will complicate your present condition OK SO BE WISE AND ALSO BE WARNED AND CONTACT DR OTIS DARKO TODAY... MY OWN LIFE STORY / EXPERIENCES IS BELOW:
My Name is Alan Pratte, From USA. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr OTIS DARKO has just done for me , this man has just brought back my lost Ex WIFE to me with his great spell, I was married to this woman called Sharon we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to make her pregnant for me and also give her al she needs she left me and told me she can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get her back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email: then you won't believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prepared this spell cast and bring my lost WIFE back, and after a month she became pregnant for me because he gave me some herbs to take also and when she went for a test and the result stated that she was pregnant am happy today am a FATHER of a baby girl, thank you once again the great DR OTIS DARKO for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below:
(1) If you want your ex back.
(2) if you always have bad dreams.
(3) You want to be promoted in your office.
(4) You want women/men to run after you.
(5) If you want a child/PREGNANCY SPELL.
(6) You want to be rich.
(7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be
yours forever.
(8) If you need financial assistance.
(9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money.
(10)Stop Divorce
(12) Winning of lottery
(13) Cure To Hiv/Aids
Anonymous, at 4:37 AM, November 20, 2018
Good day!!!
I am Oscar Wilson by name, I am a citizen of U.S.A, I would like to talk about the goodness of God in my life after so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was been scammed so I became desperate in getting a loan from a legit lender online then I saw a comment from a friend called Samantha and she was talking about this legit loan company where she got her loan fast and easy without any stress so she introduced me to a man called Mr Slivinus Marko the C.E.O of Slivinus Marko FINANCIAL COMPANY { } of Funds, So I applied for a loan sum of (350, 000.00USD) with low interest rate of 2% so the loan was approved and deposited into my bank account that was how I was able to get my loan to keep my broken business running and also to pay off my bills so am advising everyone of you who is interested in getting a loan fast and easy to kindly contact them via email:( ) to get any kind of loan you need today, thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life... Contact him today his email address is: as he is FAST, EFFICIENT, DYNAMIC AND MOST IMPORTANTLY HE IS RELAIBLE...
Anonymous, at 4:39 AM, November 20, 2018
I am Patty Wiemers, from Kokoma, Indiana, I am a single mom with three kids. I want to speak of the good deal done to me by Jennard Investments Limited, they restored my happiness by giving me a loan, I needed to refinance and pay medication bills and Xmas loan. Before now I tried seeking loans from banks but I was declined because I had bad credit. But a fellowship member told me of Jennard Investments Limited, and number +1(484)292-4513 I decided to contact the company and as God would have it, I successfully secured a loan $75,000 on the 6th of November 2018. I have made the right choice by contacting them. I advise those out there searching for a legit place to secure an Xmas loan to quickly contact Jennard Investments Limited via email: don't know I'm speaking of the good thing they has done for me.
Patty Wiemers, at 8:05 PM, November 24, 2018
I got my loan for Xmas
My name is Beth Arthur, Dunedin, New Zealand. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr James Richard Dyson of Jennard Investments Limited for helping me with an Xmas Loan and also restoring my credit score by granting me a loan amount sum of $88,000 on the 3rd of December 2018, after being turned down by banks and other credit agencies I visited. I also want to use this medium to reach out to everyone out there in need of Xmas Loan, Commercial Loan, Consumer Loan, Unsecured Loans, Business and Retail Loan, Mortgage Loan. to contact this company on email: and contact number: +1(484)292-4513.
Beth Arthur, at 6:21 AM, December 11, 2018
I got my loan for Xmas
My name is Beth Arthur, Dunedin, New Zealand. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr James Richard Dyson of Jennard Investments Limited for helping me with an Xmas Loan and also restoring my credit score by granting me a loan amount sum of $88,000 on the 3rd of December 2018, after being turned down by banks and other credit agencies I visited. I also want to use this medium to reach out to everyone out there in need of Xmas Loan, Commercial Loan, Consumer Loan, Unsecured Loans, Business and Retail Loan, Mortgage Loan. to contact this company on email: and contact number: +1(484)292-4513...
Beth Arthur, at 6:22 AM, December 11, 2018
How A Legitimate Lender Helped Me
Happy new year everyone, my name is Norma Ward, I am from Whitewood, Virginia. Have you been looking for a loan? Do you need an urgent personal or business loan? Contact Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number +1(484) 292-4513, he help me with a loan amount of $57,000.00, on the 4/1/2019 after been robbed of about $8,500 by a woman claiming to be a legitimate loan lender but today I am thankful to God for helping me meet this legitimate lender Mr Richard James Dyson, who has brought back happiness into my life. To everyone out there in need of a loan assistance kindly contact this company via email: He is trustworthy and reliable.
Unknown, at 12:51 AM, January 09, 2019
How A Legitimate Lender Helped Me
Happy new year everyone, my name is Norma Ward, I am from Whitewood, Virginia. Have you been looking for a loan? Do you need an urgent personal or business loan? Contact Jennard Investments Limited with Contact number +1(484) 292-4513, he help me with a loan amount of $57,000.00, on the 4/1/2019 after been robbed of about $8,500 by a woman claiming to be a legitimate loan lender but today I am thankful to God for helping me meet this legitimate lender Mr Richard James Dyson, who has brought back happiness into my life. To everyone out there in need of a loan assistance kindly contact this company via email: He is trustworthy and reliable..
Unknown, at 8:08 PM, January 16, 2019
Getting a legitimate loan have always been a major problem to reputable applicants who are in great need of a loan, who has financial difficulties and problems and needs lasting solution to it. On our loan program there is no collateral non social security required and no credit check, 100% surety guarantee at a 3% interest rate. Contact Mr James Richard Dyson today and put an end to your financial problems on email address: JENNARDINVESTMENTSLIMITED@OUTLOOK.COM and contact number +1(484) 292-4513. We are certified and your privacy is 100% safe with us. Contact us today and worry no more about financial problems.
Unknown, at 12:23 AM, February 03, 2019
Loan made easy for me
My name is Cindy Sammons, from Lowa, I want to express my gratitude to Mr James Richard Dyson of Jennard Investmnets Limited for assisting me with a loan, after going through a very terrible financial situation that almost made me loss my home. He is a God sent to me and he granted me a loan amount of $34,000.00. I also want to use this means to notify the general public and anyone in need of a loan assistance to contact him as well I believe he can help you out too. Their email address is and contact number +1(484) 292-4513.
Unknown, at 2:59 PM, February 21, 2019
How I could paid my debts
My name is Amanda Strydom, I'm from Seattle Washington. For three months now I have suffered financial setback and needed to refinance as my bills were long due for payment, all the corporate and private firm I contacted turned me down. I am grateful to Mr James Richard Dyson with contact number +1(484)292-4513 for granting me a loan on the 18th of April 2018 to pay up my debts. They saved me from loosing my home. This message might be helpful to you out there in need of a genuine loan in other not to fall into the wrong hands while searching for a liable loan, my advice to you is to contact this company via email:
Unknown, at 11:55 PM, April 23, 2019
How I could paid my debts
My name is Amanda Strydom, I'm from Seattle Washington. For three months now I have suffered financial setback and needed to refinance as my bills were long due for payment, all the corporate and private firm I contacted turned me down. I am grateful to Mr James Richard Dyson with contact number +1(484)292-4513 for granting me a loan on the 18th of April 2018 to pay up my debts. They saved me from loosing my home. This message might be helpful to you out there in need of a genuine loan in other not to fall into the wrong hands while searching for a liable loan, my advice to you is to contact this company via email:
Unknown, at 6:58 PM, May 10, 2019
Are you in financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills?
We sell this cards and other crypto currency to all our customers and interested buyers
worldwide,The card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2000 and up to $50,000, spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.** *Email:- and contact number +1(669)209-7002
Contact us today for more enlightenment on Email:- and contact number +1(669)209-7002
Unknown, at 7:05 PM, September 12, 2019
kesaksian nyata dan kabar baik !!!
Nama saya mohammad, saya baru saja menerima pinjaman saya dan telah dipindahkan ke rekening bank saya, beberapa hari yang lalu saya melamar ke Perusahaan Pinjaman Dangote melalui Lady Jane (, saya bertanya kepada Lady jane tentang persyaratan Dangote Loan Perusahaan dan wanita jane mengatakan kepada saya bahwa jika saya memiliki semua persyarataan bahwa pinjaman saya akan ditransfer kepada saya tanpa penundaan
Dan percayalah sekarang karena pinjaman rp11milyar saya dengan tingkat bunga 2% untuk bisnis Tambang Batubara saya baru saja disetujui dan dipindahkan ke akun saya, ini adalah mimpi yang akan datang, saya berjanji kepada Lady jane bahwa saya akan mengatakan kepada dunia apakah ini benar? dan saya akan memberitahu dunia sekarang karena ini benar
Anda tidak perlu membayar biayaa pendaftaran, biaya lisensi, mematuhi Perusahaan Pinjaman Dangote dan Anda akan mendapatkan pinjaman Anda
untuk lebih jelasnya hubungi saya via email: mahammadismali234@gmail.comdan hubungi Dangote Loan Company untuk pinjaman Anda sekarang melalui email
Mohammad Ismali, at 12:10 AM, September 21, 2019
Are you in financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills?
We sell this cards and other crypto currency to all our customers and interested buyers
worldwide,The card has a daily withdrawal limit of $2000 and up to $50,000, spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.** *Email:- and contact number +1(669)209-7002
Contact us today for more enlightenment on Email:- and contact number +1(669)209-7002
Unknown, at 7:00 PM, September 23, 2019
Hello,am a private loan lender,fully registered and licensed,i give out the best loan to my client at a very convenient rate.The interest rate of this loan is 3%. I give out loan to public and private individuals.For more information contact us, for Personal loan, Business loan, Home Loans, etc,we got you covered. Please,only serious and genuine people should apply,no early repayment penalties,no matter your financial score,just a Valid ID,house address and you will be approved a loan. If you are a serious and ambitious person and wishes to apply for a loan contact us today at Email: Whatsapp: +919811787914
Best Regards..
paul heinz, at 7:02 AM, September 28, 2019
How I already got my Xmas and business loan.
My name is Margaret Shirley, a single mom from Charleston, South Carolina, I am very happy and thankful to Jennard Investments Limited through the help of Mr Richard James Dyson for granting me an Xmas/Business loan at 3% interest rate on the 1st of October 2019. They saved me from loosing and refinance my dying business as well as . This message might be of great importance to you out there seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. In other for you not to fall into wrong hands, my advice to you is to contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you...
Margaret Shirley, at 5:28 PM, October 07, 2019
How I already got my Xmas and business loan.
My name is Margaret Shirley, a single mom from Charleston, South Carolina, I am very happy and thankful to Jennard Investments Limited through the help of Mr Richard James Dyson for granting me an Xmas/Business loan at 3% interest rate on the 1st of October 2019. They saved me from loosing and refinance my dying business as well as . This message might be of great importance to you out there seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. In other for you not to fall into wrong hands, my advice to you is to contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you..
Margaret Shirley, at 5:29 PM, October 07, 2019
How I already got my Xmas and business loan.
My name is Margaret Shirley, a single mom from Charleston, South Carolina, I am very happy and thankful to Jennard Investments Limited through the help of Mr Richard James Dyson for granting me an Xmas/Business loan at 3% interest rate on the 1st of October 2019. They saved me from loosing and refinance my dying business as well as . This message might be of great importance to you out there seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. In other for you not to fall into wrong hands, my advice to you is to contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you..
Margaret Shirley, at 6:13 PM, October 14, 2019
Are you in financial crisis, looking for money to start your own business or to pay your bills?
We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide,Tho card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores and unlimited on POS.
you can also call or whatsapp us Contact us today for more enlightenment
+1(539) 888-2243
whatsapp only ===>> +1(539) 888-2243
CREDIT MASTER CARDS FOR SALE, at 3:42 AM, November 02, 2019
Testimony how I end my financial worries
Hi everyone, we provide loans to individuals, companies and cooperating institutions business loans financing agriculture and projects. I'm Mrs. Clency Dexter.I live in Florida and I am a happy woman today, I want to thank Mr. Pendelis Wealth for the loans offered, a Godfearing man.(IT'S TRUE) contact via:
Best Regards
Mr Lake, at 6:23 PM, November 09, 2019
How I already got my Xmas and business loan.
My name is Margaret Shirley, a single mom from Charleston, South Carolina, I am very happy and thankful to Jennard Investments Limited through the help of Mr Richard James Dyson for granting me an Xmas/Business loan at 3% interest rate on the 1st of October 2019. They saved me from loosing and refinance my dying business as well as . This message might be of great importance to you out there seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. In other for you not to fall into wrong hands, my advice to you is to contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you.
Margaret Shirley, at 2:15 PM, November 21, 2019
How I already got my Xmas and business loan.
My name is Margaret Shirley, a single mom from Charleston, South Carolina, I am very happy and thankful to Jennard Investments Limited through the help of Mr Richard James Dyson for granting me an Xmas/Business loan at 3% interest rate on the 1st of October 2019. They saved me from loosing and refinance my dying business as well as . This message might be of great importance to you out there seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. In other for you not to fall into wrong hands, my advice to you is to contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you.
Margaret Shirley, at 2:15 PM, November 21, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan on the 27th of November 2019 at 3% interest rate. This thanksgiving and forthcoming Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you...
Unknown, at 10:29 PM, November 29, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan on the 27th of November 2019 at 3% interest rate. This thanksgiving and forthcoming Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you.
Unknown, at 10:48 PM, December 10, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan on the 27th of November 2019 at 3% interest rate. This thanksgiving and forthcoming Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you...
Unknown, at 10:50 PM, December 10, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan on the 27th of November 2019 at 3% interest rate. This thanksgiving and forthcoming Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas or business purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you.
Unknown, at 6:59 AM, December 11, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan at 3% interest rate. This Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas and other purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you.
Unknown, at 1:15 AM, December 19, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan at 3% interest rate. This Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas and other purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you...
Unknown, at 1:17 AM, December 19, 2019
How I already got an Xmas loan
My name is Elizabeth Gindi residing in Brooklyn, I am thankful to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me an Xmas loan at 3% interest rate. This Xmas wouldn't have been fun for me and my family if not for Mr Richard James Dyson, who help me and made it fun by granting me a loan on their Xmas loan scheme. I also have been able to expand my business by putting in part of the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of importance to those seeking a genuine loan for Xmas and other purpose. I advise you contact this company via contact number: +1(484)292-4513 & email: Thank you.
Unknown, at 6:04 PM, December 24, 2019
I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $1,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $20,000. Mike Fisher Hackers is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from Mike Fisher Hackers today! *email
neme amber, at 12:10 AM, February 16, 2020
We have a direct genuine provider for BG/SBLC specifically for lease, at leasing price of 4+2 of face value, Issuance by HSBC London/Hong Kong or any other AA rated Bank in Europe, Middle East or USA.
Contact : Mr. DARREN C CHENG
Skype ID:
Intermediaries/Consultants/Brokers are welcome to bring their clients and are 100% protected. In complete confidence, we will work together for the benefits of all parties involved.
All inquires to Mr. Darren should include the following minimum information so I can quickly address your needs:
Complete contact information:
What exactly do you need?
How long do you need it for?
Are you a principal borrower or a broker?
Contact me for more details.
Whatsapp: +19733700521
Ki su Son, at 8:42 PM, April 07, 2020
Hello everyone, my name is Susan Clement from Alaska, I trust y'all are keeping safe? I want to quickly appreciate Jennard Investments Limited, for their kind assistance in granting me a loan during this period of lock down. I have lost my job and was not having any saving but with the help of Mr James Richard Dyson. I was able to secure a loan on the 22nd of April 2020 from their online loan program. You too can as well get a loan assistance from them. Contact them today on email address: and cell phone number: +1(484)292-4513.
Unknown, at 8:58 AM, April 26, 2020
Hello everyone, my name is Susan Clement from Alaska, I trust y'all are keeping safe? I want to quickly appreciate Jennard Investments Limited, for their kind assistance in granting me a loan during this period of lock down. I have lost my job and was not having any saving but with the help of Mr James Richard Dyson. I was able to secure a loan on the 22nd of April 2020 from their online loan program. You too can as well get a loan assistance from them. Contact them today on email address: and cell phone number: +1(484)292-4513.
Unknown, at 8:58 AM, April 26, 2020
Are you a businessman or a businesswoman? Are you in financial mess or need money to start your own business? Need to pay loans, settle your debts or start a nice business? Do you have a low credit score and you will find it difficult to get a capital loan from local banks / other financial institutions? You need a loan or financing for some reason, email
joshua benjamin, at 4:00 PM, May 18, 2020
Hello everyone, my name is Felicia E Jackson from Louisville KY, I want to quickly appreciate and thank Jennard Investments Limited, for granting me a loan in this pandemic period. I have lost my job due to the pandemic and with the help of Mr Richard James Dyson. I was able to get a loan of $35,000 on the 11/6/2020 from their online loan program. You too can as well get a loan from them. Contact them today on email address: and cell phone number: +1(484)292-4513.
Felicia E Jackson, at 2:27 AM, June 17, 2020
My name is Sara Johnson, I live in california U.S.A and i am a happy woman today? I told my self that any Loan lender that could change my Life and that of my family after been scammed severally by these online loan lenders, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to Them. he gave happiness to me and my family, although at first i found it hard to trust him because of my experiences with past loan lenders, i was in need of a loan of $300,000.00 to start my life all over as a single parents with 2 kids, I met this honest and GOD fearing loan lender online Dr. Dave Logan that helped me with a loan of $300,000.00 U.S. Dollars, he is indeed a GOD fearing man, working with a reputable loan company. If you are in need of loan and you are 100% sure to pay back the loan please contact him on ( and Call/Text: +1(501)800-0690 ) .. and inform them Sara Johnson directed you.. Thanks. Blessed Be.
Unknown, at 3:25 AM, June 22, 2020 ( ) Is Offering Its Global Fund Program, Where Loans Are Offered To Interested Clients Globally To Fund Profitable Business And Projects. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via Email: ( ) ( ) Are The Solution To Your Financial Problem ( ) Has Set Itself The Mission Of Promoting Short, Medium And Long-Term Loan Financing With Us To ( ) Borrow Flexibly! Our Program Are Financial Institutions To Fund Private Capital, Private Equity, Project Funding, Real Estate, Business & Entertainment Funding, Venture Capital, Hedge Funds, And Others. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via Email: ( )
If You Are Seeking A Loan For The Development Of Expansion Of Your Business, Innovative Products, Processes Or Even Technical Services; ( ) Has Professional Finance Programs That Will Provide You With The Chance To Gain A Competitive Edge Over The Competition And Pave The Way For The Positive Growth Of Your Company. Interested Parties Should Contact Us For More Information Through Via Email: ( )
Unknown, at 5:08 AM, July 22, 2020
Do you need an urgent loan? We give out loans to interested individuals who are seeking loan with good faith and with the interest rate of 3%. Contact us today via email:
Mrs Rose, at 8:11 PM, August 29, 2020
DO YOU NEED A LOAN? Are Financially down, Cry no more, Financial problem is nothing to cry about, it is something we will have to fight against in one Love, Understanding, Trust and Unity. So our faith as Legitimate Financial Consultants is putting an end to the financial hardship. We are investors providing financial services and we specialize in both start up projects,Home Finance and existing businesses needing funding or Loan for expansion. We are committed to helping businesses develop and succeed.Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes? Do you need an urgent loan to buy a house? If Yes worry no more because we are out here to help the less financially privileged get the loan they need to get back on their feet no matter your credit score, you can say goodbye to all your financial crisis and difficulties. We offer loans ranging from ($5,000.00.USD To $500,000,000.00.USD) At a low and affordable interest rate of 2%, without collateral and without credit check. Bradley Louis Loans holds all of the information about how to obtain money quickly and painlessly ( Text/Call (917) 383-2689
Need emergency funds? Apply now and get your cash approval. we offer the following financial services:
*Personal loans,
*Debt consolidation loans,
*Venture capital,
*Business loans,
*Education loans,
*Home loans
*Car Loans
*Hotel Loans
And many more.
Are you looking for a genuine loan? contacting the right company for a legitimate loan lender has always been a huge problem to clients who have financial problems and in need of a solution to it at an affordable interest rate? Are you in any financial mess or do you need funds to start up your own home project and real estate development? Do you need a loan to start a nice small or large scale and medium business?
contact us today ( Text/Call (917) 383-2689
Look forward to your response,
Dr. Bradley Louis
Text/Call (917) 383-2689
Dr. Bradley Louis, at 7:21 AM, September 04, 2020
We give out financial support at 3% interest rate. Reply to this email immediately for further application details.
Dr, Alfred
Funds Controller.
Anonymous, at 8:09 AM, September 13, 2020
We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable
of taking up time bound transactions.
PRICE = 32%+2%
Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly. RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days
Name : Scott james
Email :
scott james, at 9:50 AM, September 20, 2020
My name is Annette Kim Bailey I am from Ohio USA. I want to use my little time to write to the internet to people in need of a real loan that if you need a loan without getting cheated Abigail Mills is the right company to apply from i am a teacher of Mathematics and English and i was cheated 2 time by a fake company who clam to be lenders but i no longer worry because Abigail Mills has already helped me so if you need an urgent loan to do anything this company is going to put a smile to your face i have also introduced most of my friends to this company and only 2 of my friends told me they have received there loans already one of my friend received a loan of $38,000.00 dollars and the other of my friend received the sum of $75,000.00 dollars so anyone in need of an online loan apply from this company and you will be happy no doubt about that because this company is really helpful and God will continue to use them to help people in need of a loan. If you need an online loan apply from this company and contact them via this means email address and also you can contact them via Whatsapp +1 (575)655-0066. Regards to anyone who reads my messages.
Anonymous, at 4:48 AM, October 09, 2020
Good day everyone
My name is Abiezer Petit Homme i am from Philippine and i live in the city of Manila. I want to use this little time i have to rite to the internet that if you need a real and legit loan Abigail Mills is the right company to apply from i was cheated by 2 companies i applied for a loan from and Abigail Mills was the third company i applied from i received my loan from Abigail Mills loan company in less than 8 hours time as the company told me so anyone who needs an online loan without getting scammed apply from Abigail Mills and be rest assured that you will be happy with this company. You can only contact this company via mail or whatsapp mail address is Whatsapp +1 (575)655-0066. Regards to anyone who reads this message all over the world.
Anonymous, at 4:49 AM, October 09, 2020
How How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 8:23 PM, October 23, 2020
How How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 8:24 PM, October 23, 2020
How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 5:33 PM, October 24, 2020
Very reliable loan offer
You are listed, prohibited from banking and you do not have
the favor of the banks or better you have a project and
need financing, bad credit
or need money to pay bills, funds to
invest in companies. So if you need
loan do not hesitate to contact us to find out
more on our conditions, notably on the rate of 3%. For
any other information please contact us by
lohr, at 6:19 AM, October 30, 2020
How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 7:59 PM, November 02, 2020
How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 7:59 PM, November 02, 2020
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 9:58 PM, November 09, 2020
How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 10:25 PM, November 12, 2020
How I got my business loan
My name is Laurelin Bailey residing in Lithonia, Georgia, I trust y‚all are keeping safe? I want to use this medium to say how thankful I am to Jennard Investments Limited for granting me a business loan at 3% interest rate. They help me by granting me a loan of $65,000.00. I have been able to expand and stabilize my business by putting in the money I got as loan on it. This message might be of a very great importances to you out there seeking for a loan assistance of various purpose. I‘ll advise you contact this company to get a loan their contact number is +1(484)292–4513 & email:
Laurelin Bailey, at 10:27 PM, November 12, 2020
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philip, at 9:47 PM, May 09, 2021
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alex, at 7:15 AM, August 07, 2021
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